对许多人来说,威尼斯彩票游戏有一个99499威尼斯信誉定的方面,完美地表达了他们威尼斯彩票游戏体验的精髓. 一份有名字的礼物是庆祝学校对你最有意义的方面的一种重要方式. The following list is a guide to the possibilities; it is by no means exhaustive. 机构发展办公室很高兴与捐助者合作, 将你的礼物与你最看重的领域相匹配.
$100,000 The large music practice room facilitates small-group learning; is a significant piece of the teaching paradigm in schools today. This model is used in a number of courses, 99499威尼斯信誉别是那些学生每周以小组形式见面练习技能和技巧的课程.
Hayley Munroe于2023年加入行政团队,担任机构进步总监. Since 2014, 海莉在筹款的各个方面都有工作, 首先是在布雷克斯维尔的Inbloom咨询公司做顾问, OH, 她在那里与30多个地区和国家非营利组织合作, 然后在北里奇维尔的湖岭学院, OH, where she was Director of Advancement. 她曾担任一家非营利组织的临时发展总监, 她负责可行性研究和资本活动, 以及指导年度捐赠和巨额捐赠的努力. 她的技能包括前景研究和开发, gift solicitations, donor relations and stewardship, and project and event management. 作为Lake Ridge Academy的发展总监. Munroe raised $4.1 million in two years, 领导了一项耗资1400万美元的全面学生健康和保健运动, 修改年度捐赠计划以增加收入, wrote grants, 每年负责三次大型筹款活动, including a black-tie gala and golf outing.
Ms. Munroe获得了Kent State University的工商管理学士学位,以及Event Leadership Institute的活动和会议管理基础证书. 除了热衷于为非营利组织筹款外,她还热衷于慈善事业. Munroe was the founder, CEO, 在一家舞蹈工作室担任艺术总监近十年, 磨练她在运营管理、社交媒体和营销方面的技能, not to mention her love of dance! In her spare time, 海莉喜欢跑马拉松,喜欢和她的布鲁·希勒在一起, Wallaby, and her orange cat named Bowser.
Laura Booze
Director of Advancement Services
Milisa "Milisa" Johnson
Director of Constituent Engagement
To find out more about this campaign, 分享你的想法和校园故事, or to make a gift in support of the campaign, please email campaign@thanglongjsc.net 或者打540给机构发展办公室.687.4510.