作为通讯和市场总监, Bethany分享了她在网络营销方面的工作经验, design, 摄影, and technology with Foxcroft’s Institutional Advancement Department. She enjoys sharing the Foxcroft experience through electronic newsletters, 学校的各种社交媒体, including
YouTube, and
LinkedIn印刷和数字广告等等. Her work often involves collaborating with various departments across the School, presenting ample opportunities to tell Foxcroft's story boldly and proudly from an authentic perspective.
In addition to her office duties, Bethany has been involved in a variety of activities at Foxcroft. She is currently a member of the Dillon Dorm team and has advised student clubs as well. 她在大学足球队当了三年的教练. 她参与冬会好几年了, offering students the opportunity to travel to Nicaragua for a community service trip in 2010 and co-teaching art classes in 2011 and 2012.
宝芬妮的学位是M.B.A. 来自新罕布什尔大学, 通过大学的一年制加速课程获得, 她对市场营销的兴趣是从哪里开始的. 她还得了B.A. 在UNH工作室艺术, designing independent studies in watercolor painting and architecture and studying abroad in Italy over a three-year period. 在来威尼斯彩票游戏之前, she was a Program Director for an outdoor education center in Clifton, VA, where she had the opportunity to work with private schools (including Foxcroft!) to design overnight retreats for their students and managed the website and email campaigns.
In her free time, Bethany enjoys reading, baking, knitting, and spending time outdoors. A native Mainer, she will always cheer for the Red Sox and Patriots. 是的,她确实喜欢龙虾和蓝莓.
斯托勒一家-宝芬妮, 她的丈夫丹尼尔, 还有他们的两个孩子, 朱尼珀和亨99499威尼斯信誉和他们的牧羊犬住在校园里, Honeybird.