




  • 在威尼斯彩票游戏上学的是什么样的女孩啊?

    没有“典型的”威尼斯彩票游戏女孩. 这里没有饼干切割者! Each girl is her own person and is known, accepted, and valued for whoever that is. 主要是, 我们的学生是一群喜欢他们所看到的东西的人, 听到, and felt during their visits to Foxcroft — and love what they have found once they became part of this amazing community.
  • 我要上几门课?

    学生通常要修五门学术课程——英语, 数学, 科学, 历史, 外语, 外加一门美术选修课. 我们有七节课的轮转课程,学生们学得很快. 周一每节课45分钟. Tuesday through Friday are block period days, with each class meeting for one 75-minute period.
  • 周末是什么样的??

    周末有各种各样的活动, 包括每周去城里吃午饭和购物, 经常出去吃饭看电影. 如果你喜欢活跃, 有溜冰, 滑雪, 还有校外远足, 和字段, 法院, 还有小径——用来散步的, 一个锻炼, 或者是一场校园游戏. 我们甚至还有一个暖和的时候开放的游泳池. 我们访问华盛顿, DC, 经常去听音乐会, 球类运动, 以及博物馆展品, 以及学生和教师建议的其他活动.

    还有很多其他学校的学生参加的社交活动. BSSAC是弗吉尼亚州、马里兰州和马里兰州的一组寄宿学校.C., organizes dances, trips to amusement parks, malls, movies, sports activities, and more. 威尼斯彩票游戏每年都会举办一场联谊会和半正式舞会.
  • 住在宿舍里是什么样的?

    很有趣! There are five dormitories on campus — Applegate, Dillon, Orchard, Reynolds, and Stuart Hall. Freshmen live in Reynolds, but the other dormitories have girls from different grades. 你可以有3个、2个或1个室友. Dorm parents and student leaders assigned to each dorm build community among the girls in the dorm with parties and activities, 并保证一切顺利进行.

    威尼斯彩票游戏宿舍的一个99499威尼斯信誉别之处在于它们的睡眠走廊. 每个学生与她的室友共用一个房间和私人浴室。. 不过,所有的床都在走廊对面的不同区域. 有些女孩说睡廊就像参加睡衣派对!
  • 我的室友是谁?

    你将在到达之前完成一份室友调查问卷. 我们的招生团队, 谁也从申请过程中了解你, 与教务长一起为新生分配房间. They try hard to put girls with other girls who have similar interests, tastes in music, and neat vs. 草率的倾向. 它通常运行得很好. 归国学生自己选择室友.
  • 第一晚和谁共进晚餐?

    Don't worry; we've thought of that. Foxcroft的传统之一是Old Girl/New Girl, 所以会有个高年级学生帮你适应威尼斯彩票游戏. 这个夏天她会和你联系的, 当你到达时向你问好, 帮你搬进来,然后带你去吃饭. Your Old Girl will spend the first few days helping you learn everything you need to know.
  • 我可以离开校园吗? 当?

    除了我们的周末活动, there are many open weekends when you can get permission to go home or elsewhere. 只要在我们叫作Orah的电子系统上请求“离开”就行了, 得到父母或监护人的许可, 然后等待学生生活办公室批准你的冒险. 在“封闭周末”,所有学生都待在校园里. On “Event Weekends,” students attend certain required activities but can leave campus overnight.
  • 我将有什么样的互联网接入?

    你会在任何你需要的地方上网. All the dormitories and public buildings on campus are connected with wifi and/or fiber optic cable. 大多数女孩会带笔记本电脑, but there are computers in the library and loaner laptops you can borrow for a short time if need be. 白天学习期间晚上自习, 学生应该留在与他们的作业有关的网站.
  • 我该如何参与?

    在威尼斯彩票游戏很容易被牵扯进来. 骑 and athletic interest forms are part of the registration process in the summer, 在学校待了几个星期之后, student leaders of clubs and activities put on a fair to introduce you to all the opportunities and choices you have. And if you don’t see the club you like, you can work with the Office of Student Life to create it.

    报名, 听取早会期间的通知, 参加俱乐部的会议和活动. 这就是它的全部. The hard part is not becoming over-committed because of all the enticing things to do and try.
  • 有着装要求吗?

    是的, a dress code is required during the academic day but there’s no specific articles of clothing you 必须 每天都要穿. Girls wear solid color skirts and pants (that are neither denim nor leggings) with solid-colored collared shirts (polo, 温文尔雅的, 高领毛衣都是不错的)和坚固的夹克或毛衣. 鞋子, 哪个可能不是运动鞋, 包括公寓, 休闲鞋, 牛津布, 芭蕾平底鞋, 靴子, 或凉鞋(在指定时间). 骑手在上课时可以穿他们的骑术服.

    一年中的某些时候有统一的日子, 沟通什么时候穿什么衣服可以帮助你计划和准备.

    当你参观时,你可以从你的导游那里得到更多的细节, and from the student handbook and your “Old Girl” when you are getting ready to come to Foxcroft.
  • 在一所大多数学生都是寄宿生的学校里做走读生很难吗?

    没有办法! Being a day student at Foxcroft is different than other schools because everyone has a room, 床上, 桌子上, 梳妆台, 和衣柜. 所以走读生和寄宿生一样有自己的地方.

    +, all day students board for the first month of school so they can truly become part of the residential community and get used to the flow of the daily schedule. 在那之后, day students may stay two nights a week on campus and for weekend programs and activities, 如果你有一场客场比赛, 一个小组项目, 还是想去"歌唱,“留下来很容易. 我们也欢迎走读生在所有的用餐时间. They are on campus so often, sometimes people don’t even know who boards and who doesn’t!



  • 威尼斯彩票游戏与其他女子寄宿学校有什么不同?

    首先也是最重要的, 因为我们的使命和理念, 我们采取的方法比大多数学校更个性化. 威尼斯彩票游戏有意小而面向社区, 93%的教职员工和管理人员都住在校园里, 百年历史的传统将新旧学生联系在一起, 百分之百的学生都是真正“为人所知、受到重视”的.”

    因为女孩在相互联系和合作的环境中学习效果最好, 我们的社区为女孩提供了良好的学习环境.

    • 卓越能力计划
    • 马术项目
    • 课堂内外的阀杆/STEAM计划
    • Four-year college counseling curriculum that culminates with the “Five First-Choice Colleges” approach
    • 长曲棍球,曲棍球和许多其他运动产品
    • 我们华丽的500英亩校园,是教室的延伸
  • 威尼斯彩票游戏有什么支持?

    • 一个顾问系统,学生每周以小组形式见面
    • 负责监督女生整体健康状况的宿舍家长
    • 一组教师专注于每个99499威尼斯信誉定的班级
    • 学生生活办公室, 学术办公室, 咨询支持, 护士——她们都在照顾我们的女儿们
    • 学生领袖——训练成为成人社区的延伸. Don't underestimate the positive power of your daughter's dorm leaders and Old Girl!

    Our structured day prioritizes time management and our small classes mean each girl gets a lot of attention. 当需要学术支持时,还有:
    • The Learning Center, which focuses on organization, writing, and 阀杆 skills
    • 每天的“辅导课”,所有的老师都可以提供额外的帮助
    • 如有必要,请家教.
  • 学习日是什么样的?

    学生通常要修五门学术课程——英语, 数学, 科学, 历史/社会科学, 还有外语,外加一门美术选修课. We have a seven-period rotating schedule that is structured to be like college: classes are 45 minutes long on Mondays and 75 minutes long on block period days, 了解更深入的项目, 实验室, 论文, 和研究. 大多数时候还有一个教程(额外的帮助)期, 还有学生社团聚会的专门时间.

    早餐从早上7点到9点, 午餐时间为晚上11:30-1:00, 晚餐时间是下午5:30-7:00. Students meet with their advisors during Advisory Meetings or during special sessions.

    运动、骑马和跳舞通常在下午3:45到5:30之间. 自习室的开放时间是晚上8:00-9:30, with lights out at 10:30 pm for freshmen and sophomores during the week; in general, 高年级学生没有就寝时间. On weekends, freshmen can stay up until 11:15 pm and there is no 床上time for all other students.
  • 周末是什么样的??

    周末活动由学生活动中心安排, 学生团体, 以及学生生活办公室. Foxcroft belongs to a group of boarding schools in the Baltimore/Washington area that plans social activities about once a month or so. These may include dances, sporting events, amusement parks, and cultural events. Foxcroft also has trips off campus to malls/movies/dinner out as well as other options. 一般来说,每个周末都有一些活动. 学生们报名参加他们想参加的活动和/或旅行. 另外, 学生们可能会选择睡到很晚,或者在校园里和朋友一起看电影, 做些烹饪, 补上作业和项目, 或者放松一下.
  • 是否提供经济援助??

    大约51%的学生获得基于需求和/或基于成绩的资助. 申请经济援助,家庭应该访问 清晰的网站 然后按照说明创建一个新帐户或登录.

    参考 Clarity家庭资讯指南 有关如何浏览在线申请的说明.
  • Will applying for financial aid hurt my daughter’s chances of being accepted?

    No. The admission application and financial aid application are two separate processes. 学生是否被接受取决于他们申请的强度, 而且"适合"成为威尼斯彩票游戏的女孩. 被录取的女孩,其家庭符合条件,然后考虑获得经济援助. Our aim is to help as many families as possible but we have a finite financial aid budget so a family may or may not be awarded aid based on how many other families are applying for aid, 以及我们的预算中有多少可以分配.

    We understand that affording a Foxcroft education is a stretch for many families, 我们努力让威尼斯彩票游戏成为一所人们负担得起的私立学校. The primary responsibility for funding a child’s education lies with the parents and extended family; Foxcroft can often supplement what the family can afford, 使学生有可能注册. We encourage families for whom financial aid is a critical factor to move forward with the application process, 保持开放的心态.
  • 有问题我该找谁?

    请随时与招生办公室联系. 我们将回答您的问题或为您联系合适的人. 我们的数字是540.687.4340.


Send us your questions, thoughts and comments and we will get right back to you!


7:30-9:00 am 早餐
9:00 am
2:20 pm 教程(额外帮助)期间
4:00 pm 运动、舞蹈、骑马
6:00 pm 晚餐
8:00-9:30 pm 自修室
10:30 pm 熄灯!

每周两次,大家在上午10点20分左右聚在一起开“早会”. 类 start just before 9:00 am and there are periods for advisor and club meetings. 骑马课可能在白天或放学后进行.


Foxhound Lane 22407

电话: 540.687.4340
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北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, 包括大学先修课程和创新的阀杆项目. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观威尼斯彩票游戏.